Symposium on Counterfeit Parts and Materials 2023

June 27-29, 2023,
College Park, MD

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    ► All times shown are in US Eastern Time Zone
Tuesday, June 27
Session 1: Counterfeiting - the Current State of Play
Moderator: Diganta Das, Ph.D., University of Maryland
7:30 am Registration  
8:15 am Opening Remarks Diganta Das, Ph.D., and Tanya Martin, Executive Director, SMTA
8:30 am Keynote Speech: Commercial Electronics in NASA Missions - Many Benefits, But What About the Risks? Peter Majewicz, Ph.D., Goddard Space Flight Center - NASA
9:15 am "The Numbers Crunch” Counterfeit Reporting Trends 2022 Richard Smith, ERAI, Inc
10:00 am Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking  
  Session 2: Broad View of the Supply Chain Moderator: Kevin Sink, TTI, Inc.
10:30 am Leveraging Supply Chain Trust with TCG Standards and Principles

Thorsten Stremlau, NVidia

11:00 am Template for a Practical Provenance and Sustainability Ecosystem

Michael Ford, Aegis Software

11:30 am Modeling to Analyze the Impact of Blockchain on Counterfeit Part Avoidance Hirbod Akhavantaheri, CALCE, UMD
12:00 pm Lunch Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking   
  Session 3: Standards Moderator: Cameron Shearon, Raytheon
1:00 pm A New Counterfeit Avoidance Standard for Independent Distribution Jim Creiman, Northrop Grumman
1:30 pm Standards-Based Detection of Counterfeit Electronic Parts: An Update on SAE AS6171 Michael Azarian, Ph.D, CALCE, UMD
2:15 pm A Introduction to the Upcoming IDEA-STD-1010-C Faiza Khan, IDEA
2:45 pm Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking   
  Session 4: Aspects of Detection Moderator: Sultan Lilani, Integra Technologies
3:15 pm Joint Question and Answer Session: Jim Creiman (Northrop Grumman), Michael Azarian (CALCE, UMD), and Faiza Khan (IDEA) Joining in the Q & A: Diganta Das, CALCE, UMD, and Jerry Martinez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
3:45 pm Surface Topography Analysis for the Detection of Counterfeit Microelectronic Parts Devon Richman, CALCE, UMD
4:15 pm Research on Semiconductor Chip Grade Classification and Real-Time Evaluation Method Based on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Technology Cong Xu, Global ETS
4:45 pm Adjourn  


Wednesday, June 28
7:30 am Registration  
  Session 5: Examples and Resources Moderator: Cameron Shearon, Raytheon
8:30 am Anti Counterfeiting Forum: A Free to Access One-stop Information Shop

Roger Rogowski, Anticounterfeiting Forum

9:15 am AS6496 Revision & the Authorized Channel Kevin Sink, TTI Corp
9:45 am Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking  
  Session 6: New Concerns and Solutions Moderator: Anne Poncheri, Resion
10:30 am Counterfeiting Mitigation Utilizing Collaborative Golden Samples Database Lam Nguyen, ChipsID, LLC
11:00 am Aging Detection Technology for Semiconductor Devices Combining Deep Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms Cong Xu, Global ETS
11:30 am Case Studies in the Evolution of FPGA Counterfeiting

Nicholas Williams, Ph.D., SMT Corporation

12:00 pm Lunch Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking   
Session 7: Management Through Part Life Cycle
Moderator: Michael Ford, Aegis Software
1:00 pm Shortages, Allocation, Excess, Recession; Oh My Vernon Densler, Sourceability North America LLC
1:30 pm Tackling Modern Day Obsolescence - An OSAT Perspective Sultan Lilani, Integra Technologies
2:00 pm Managing Counterfeit Parts Avoidance Requirements with lean Resources Lydia Liford and Haley May, Georgia Tech Research Institute
2:30 pm Break - Visit with Sponsors and Networking   
Session 8: Closing Session
Moderator: Diganta Das, Ph.D., University of Maryland
3:00 pm Is This Part Counterfeit? Anne Poncheri, Resion
3:30 pm Counterfeiting of Electronic Assemblies and Difficulties in Detection Diganta Das, Ph.D., CALCE, UMD
4:00 pm Closing Panel Discussion and Attendee Feedback - Lessons Learned Members of the Technical Committee
4:45 pm Adjourn  


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