
Prognostics and Health Management of Electronics

Michael G. Pecht

Today, most complex systems contain significant electronics content. As a result, there is a growing interest to monitor the ongoing health (reliability), and predict the remaining life of the electronics in these products and systems. At present, there are numerous organizations conducting research and development into prognostics, and even more that wish to implement it in their products and systems. However, research on prognostics and health management (PHM) for electronics has been fragmented and until now, there has been no single reference that describes the key issues and what is being conducted.

This book overviews the concepts of PHM and the techniques being developed to enable prognostics for electronic products and systems. It discusses the state-of-the-art in sensor systems for in-situ health and usage monitoring, the various data driven/ statistical models and algorithms, the use of canaries, and the physics-of-failure based prognostics approaches. The book also presents an overview of the implementation costs including recurring, non-recurring and infrastructure costs and the cost avoidance possible with PHM. This book then provides a roadmap based on the current challenges and opportunities for research and development of PHM, and discusses the activities of the major players in the prognostics research field, including companies, academia and government organizations.

This book is available in the market. For more information on the book or to purchase the book visit

ISBN: 978-0-470-27802-4
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