This book familiarizes the designer with
issues related to GaAs device reliability and enables designers to
develop the required reliability prediction tools.
Covering both the electrical and mechanical reliabi
lity of MMICs, this book focuses upon the physical, chemical and electrical mech
anisms which cause circuit drift, inaccuracies and degradation of circuit functi
on. From the chip to circuit interconnection and packaging, this text presents
a comprehensive analysis of the reliability and quality of MMICs.
The book builds on research for government and industry being conducted at CALCE
EPRC. Key chapters on electromigration, reliability of MMIC
metallizations, and radiation effects have also been written by
internationally recognized experts from Europe and the United
States. The University of Maryland is unique in its effort to
focus on reliability and quality issues in every system design,
centering on an understanding of basic device failure mechanisms.
The book therefore focuses on a physics-of-failure approach to
understanding MMIC reliability, covering basic failure modes for
each of the device building blocks up to packaged MMIC modules.
The book is the recommended text for a graduate course in
Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland titled
"Manufacturing Technology of Microcircuits."
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