Created: 09/07/11 |
James M. Short, Robert A. Kavetsky, Michael G. Pecht, and Davinder K. Anand
When we think of energetics, inevitably we think of eplosives, propellants, firecrackers, gunpowder and China, since that is where gunpowder was first invented. It is therefore appropriate that any study of the science of energetics begin with an examination of the development of energetics in China.
This book was written as part of a planned six volume series on Energetics Science and Technology. The motivation for this series is to provide a comprehensive collection of information on this critical technology and identify the energetic materials research being conducted across the globe.
Published: 2010
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742
Please click here to view an electronic version of portions of this text at the University of Maryland Center for Energetics Concepts Development (CECD) website, or contact Prof. Michael Pecht ( for information.