Created: 12/23/96 Updated: 2/5/98
The Singapore and Malaysia's Electronics Industries
M. Pecht, D. Beane, A. Shukla
CRC Press, Inc.,New York, NY. 1997.

The increasing development and production of electronics in Singapore and Malaysia typifies the nature of this industry's growth pattern throughout East Asia. For example, the Singaporean electronics industry's output in 1995 was US$58billion, a 19% increase over the previous year and Malaysian employment in electronics sector increased 160% from 1985-1990. Strong, centralized governmental involvement/action played a major role in this growth. Both countries strongly encouraged large-scale multi-national corporations, then use the concurrent technology transfer and capital inputs as a basis from which to develop their own industries. Both countries' also place strong emphasis on societal education, reformation, and training areas. They see these as major, necessary contributing factors to any further development of their electronics industries. Further, these countries are increasingly developing their electronics industries' capabilities in the production of more sophisticaed, value-added products. this book examines the course and future of development and growth in the Singaporean and Malaysian electronics industries.

ISBN: 0-8493-3171-4, February 1997. c. 129 pp., $39.95
CRC Press, Inc.
2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
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