Bulong Wu1, Alexandru Prisacaru2, Alicja Palczynska2, Przemyslaw Gromala2, Bongtae Han3, Dae-Suk Kim4
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
2Robert Bosch GmbH, Division of Automotive Electronics, Stuttgart, Germany
3CALCE, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
4Qualcomm, San Diego, California, USA
A model/sensor hybrid approach is implemented to
conduct failure prognostics of an automotive electronic control
unit (ECU). A 3-D finite-element model simulating a complex
ECU is built, and its predictability is calibrated and verified
by an optical displacement measurement technique called moiré
interferometry. On the sensor front, a silicon-based piezoresistive
stress sensor is embedded into the ECU to provide in situ
stress measurements during operations. A stress metric is defined
using the stress values of 12 cells in each sensor, and it is
converted to in situ loading histories using the calibrated finiteelement
model. The modeling and verification steps that lead to
the predictive finite-element model are described. The proposed
hybrid approach is implemented using the data obtained from
a molded ECU subjected to thermal cycling conditions, and the
forces at an interface between an aluminum wire bond and metal
pad are investigated.
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