Saurabh Saxena 1, Yinjiao Xing1, and Michael Pecht1
1CALCE, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
Nexus 6P smartphones have been beset by battery drain issues, which have been causing
premature shutdown of the phone even when the charge indicator displays a significant remaining
runtime. To investigate the premature battery drain issue, two Nexus 6P smartphones (one new and
one used) were disassembled and their batteries were evaluated using computerized tomography
(CT) scan analysis, electrical performance (capacity, resistance, and impedance) tests, and cycle
life capacity fade tests. The “used” smartphone battery delivered only 20% of the rated capacity
when tested in a first capacity cycle and then 15% of the rated capacity in a second cycle. The new
smartphone battery exceeded the rated capacity when first taken out of the box, but exhibited an
accelerated capacity fade under C/2 rate cycling and decreased to 10% of its initial capacity in just
50 cycles. The CT scan results revealed the presence of contaminant materials inside the used battery,
raising questions about the quality of the manufacturing process.