Bhanu Sood1,2, John Shue2, Jesse Leitner,2 Kelly Daniluk,2 and Lionel-Nobel Sindjui2
1CALCE, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
2Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
During the manufacturing of printed circuit boards
(PCBs) for a Flight Project, it was found that a European manufacturer
was building its boards to a European standard that
had no requirement for copper wrap on the vias. The amount of
copper wrap that was measured on coupons from the panel containing
the boards of interest was less than the amount specified in
IPC-6012 Rev B, Class 3. To help determine the reliability and usability
of the boards, three sets of tests and a simulation were run.
The test results, along with results of simulation and destructive
physical analysis, are presented in this paper. The first experiment
involved subjecting coupons from the panels supplied by the European
manufacturer to thermal cycling. After 17 000 cycles, the
test was stopped with no failures. A second set of accelerated tests
involved comparing the thermal fatigue life of test samples made
from FR4 and polyimide with varying amounts of copper wrap.
Again, the testing did not reveal any failures. The third test involved
using interconnect stress test coupons with through-hole
vias and blind vias that were subjected to elevated temperatures to
accelerate fatigue failures. While there were failures, as expected,
the failures were at barrel cracks. In addition to the experiments,
this paper also discusses the results of finite-element analysis using
simulation software that was used to model plated-through holes
under thermal stress using a steady-state analysis, also showing
the main failure mode was barrel cracking. The tests show that although
copper wrap was sought as a better alternative to butt joints
between barrel plating and copper foil layers, manufacturability
remains challenging and attempts to meet the requirements often
result in features that reduce the reliability of the boards. Experimental
and simulation work discussed in this paper indicate that
the standard requirements for copper wrap are not contributing
to the overall board reliability, although it should be added that a
design with a butt joint is going to be a higher risk than a reduced
copper wrap design. The study further shows that procurement
requirements for wrap plating thickness from Class 3 to Class 2
would pose little risk to reliability (minimum 5 µm/0.197 mil for all
via types). Experimental results corroborated by modeling indicate
that the stress maxima are internal to the barrels rather than at the
wrap location. In fact, the existence of Cu wrap was determined to
have no appreciable effect on reliability.
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