D. Lesliea, A. Dasguptaa, and Carlos Morillo a
a CALCE, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
This paper focuses on using a combination of indentation and FEA methods for characterizing the viscoplastic behavior
of heterogeneousmaterials which pose additional challenges because of the non-uniform morphology. In
particular, the paper focuses on two forms of pressure-less sintered silver interconnect materials: an adhesivebased
particulate composite for low temperature applications and a porous sintered version for high-temperature
applications. By using two different post-processing methods (an analytic approach and a computational
FEA approach) for the indentation results, we obtain lower and upper estimates to the viscoplastic properties
for both of these heterogeneous morphologies. Two types of indenters, spherical and Berkovich, and two types
of indentation tests, constant load and constant strain rate, are compared, with regard to their ability tomeasure
the viscoplastic properties of heterogeneous materials.