Zhenbao Liu, Gaoyuan Sun, Shuhui Bu, Junwei Han, Xiaojun Tang, and Michael Pecht
As an important part of prognostics and health
management, accurate remaining useful life (RUL) prediction for
lithium (Li)-ion batteries can provide helpful reference for when
to maintain the batteries in advance. This paper presents a novel
method to predict the RUL of Li-ion batteries. This method is
based on the framework of improved particle learning (PL). The
PL framework can prevent particle degeneracy by resampling
state particles first with considering the current measurement
information and then propagating them. Meanwhile, PL is
improved by adjusting the number of particles at each iteration
adaptively to reduce the running time of the algorithm, which
makes it suitable for online application. Furthermore, the kernel
smoothing algorithm is fused into PL to keep the variance of
parameter particles invariant during recursive propagation with
the battery prediction model. This entire method is referred to
as PLKS in this paper. The model can then be updated by the
proposed method when new measurements are obtained. Future
capacities are iteratively predicted with the updated prediction
model until the predefined threshold value is triggered. The RUL
is calculated according to these predicted capacities and the
predefined threshold value. A series of case studies that demonstrate
the proposed method is presented in the experiment.
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