Xiaohang Jin, Mingbo Zhao, Tommy W. S. Chow, Senior Member, IEEE, and Michael Pecht, Fellow, IEEE
Bearings are critical components in induction motors and brush-less direct current motors. Bearing failure is the most common failure mode in these motors. By implementing health monitoring and fault diagnosis of bearings, unscheduled maintenance and economic losses caused by bearing failures can be avoided. This paper introduces trace ratio linear discriminant analysis (TR-LDA) to deal with high-dimensional non-Gaussian fault data for dimension reduction and fault classification. Motor bearing data with single-point faults and generalized-roughness faults are used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for fault diagnosis. Comparisons with other conventional methods, such as principal component analysis, local preserving projection, canonical correction analysis, maximum margin criterion, LDA, and marginal Fisher analysis, show the superiority of TR-LDA in fault diagnosis.
Complete article available from the publishers and to the CALCE consortium members.
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