Zhi-Sheng Ye, Member, IEEE, YuWang, Student Member, IEEE, Kwok-Leung Tsui, and
Michael Pecht*, Fellow, IEEE
*Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Degradation signals that reflect a system’s health state are important for diagnostics and health management of complex systems. However, degradation signals are often compounded and contaminated by measurement errors, making data analysis a difficult task.Motivated by the wear problem of magnetic heads used in hard disk drives (HDDs), this paper investigates Wiener processes with measurement errors.We explore the traditionalWiener process with positive drifts compounded with i.i.d. Gaussian noises, and improve its estimation efficiency compared with the existing inference procedure. Furthermore, to capture the possible heterogeneity in a population, we develop a mixed effects model with measurement errors. Statistical inferences of this model are discussed. The mixed effects model subsumes several existingWiener processes as its limiting cases, and thus it is useful for suggesting an appropriateWiener process model for a specific dataset. The developed methodologies are then applied to the wear problem of magnetic heads of HDDs, and a light intensity degradation problem of light-emitting diodes.
Complete article is available from the publisher and to CALCE Consortium Members.
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