Enkhjargal Dorj a, Chaochao Chen b, and Michael Pecht a
a Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Early detection of anomalies in any system or component prevents impending failures and enhances performance and availability. The complex architecture of electronics, the interdependency of component functionalities, and the miniaturization of most electronic systems make it difficult to detect and analyze anomalous behaviors. A Hidden Markov Model-based classification technique determines unobservable hidden behaviors of complex and remotely inaccessible electronic systems using observable signals. This paper presents a data-driven approach for anomaly detection in electronic systems based on a Bayesian Hidden Markov Model classification technique. The posterior parameters of the Hidden Markov Models are estimated using the conjugate prior method. An application of the developed Bayesian Hidden Markov Model-based anomaly detection approach is presented for detecting anomalous behavior in Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors using experimental data. The detection results illustrate that the developed anomaly detection approach can help detect anomalous behaviors in electronic systems, which can help prevent system downtime and catastrophic failures.
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