8th International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging

Simulation of MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope through Simulink

Chandradip Patela and Patrick McCluskeyb

a,bCALCE Electronics Products and Systems Consortium
Department of Mechanical Engineering, A. James Clark School of Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, 20742


Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) vibratory gyroscopes are increasingly used in applications ranging from consumer electronics to aerospace and are now one of the most common MEMS products after accelerometers. With advances in fabrication technologies, the low-cost MEMS gyroscope has opened up a wide variety of applications with environmental conditions ranging from mild to harsh. Specific applications in harsh environments have demanded robust MEMS gyroscopes that require extensive lab testing to assess performance. The objective of this paper is to develop an efficient and faster approach to simulate the behaviour of the MEMS vibratory gyroscope. Simulink is a toolbox in MATLAB for modelling, simulating and analysing multi-domain dynamic systems. The MEMS vibratory gyroscope is a two degree-of-freedom spring-mass-damper system. With known values of mass, spring stiffness and damping coefficient in the drive and sense direction, the characteristic equations of motion of the MEMS vibratory gyroscope can be easily solved by the Simulink model developed in this paper. This Simulink
model can also be used to simulate the temperature dependent characteristics of a MEMS vibratory gyroscope.

Complete article available to CALCE consortium members.

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