Jiajie Fan, Kam-Chuen Yung, and Michael Pecht,
Fellow, IEEE
Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
High-power white light-emitting diodes (HPWLEDs)
have attracted much attention in the lighting market. However,
as one of the highly reliable electronic products which may be
not likely to fail under the traditional life test or even accelerated
life test, HPWLED’s lifetime is difficult to estimate by using
traditional reliability assessment techniques. In this paper, the
degradation-data-driven method (DDDM), which is based on the
general degradation path model, was used to predict the reliability
of HPWLED through analysing the lumen maintenance data collected from the IES LM-80-08 lumen maintenance test standard.
The final predicted results showed that much more reliability
information (e.g., mean time to failure, confidence interval, reliability function, and so on) and more accurate prediction results
could be obtained by DDDM including the approximation method,
the analytical method, and the two-stage method compared to
the IES TM-21-11 lumen lifetime estimation method. Among all
these three methods, the two-stage method produced the highest
prediction accuracy.
—Degradation-data-driven method (DDDM), high-
power white light-emitting diode (HPWLED), lifetime estimation,
Complete article is available from the publishers and to the CALCE consortium members.
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