Jon G. Elerath and Michael Pecht
There is no standard method for creating a hardware
reliability prediction. Therefore, predictions vary widely in terms
of methodological rigour, data quality, extent of analysis, and uncertainty.
Documentation of the prediction process employed is often
not presented. These inconsistencies can leave the user of the prediction
confused, uncertain of the prediction's true value, and unable
to compare the results of two reliability predictions of the same
hardware. IEEE has created a standard, IEEE 1413, that, when
followed, results in consistent, complete documentation of a prediction.
The prediction users can then understand the strengths
and weaknesses of a prediction, and compare the value and usefulness
of multiple predictions. The standard creates consistency
by requiring documentation for specific processes, activities, and
levels of knowledge.
Keywords :Electronic hardware, handbooks, methodology, reliability prediction, standards
Complete article is available from the publisher and to the CALCE consortium members.
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