IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Volume 12, Issue 02, June 2012

Anomaly Detection of Polymer Resettable
Circuit Protection Devices

Shunfeng Cheng, Kwok Tom and Michael Pecht

CALCE, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA


As circuit protection devices, failure or abnormal behavior of polymer positive-temperature-coefficient resettable devices can cause damage to circuits. It is necessary to detect anomalies in the resettable circuit protection devices to provide early warning of failure and avoid damage to a circuit. In this paper, a novel anomaly detection method, the cross-validation-based sequential probability ratio test, is developed and applied to the failure precursor parameters of the resettable circuit protection devices to conduct anomaly detection. The cross-validation-based sequential probability ratio test integrates the advantages of both the sequential probability ratio test for in situ anomaly detection and the cross-validation technique for model parameter selection to reduce the probability of false and missed alarms in anomaly detection. The cross-validation-based sequential probability ratio test solves the model parameter selection difficulty of the traditional sequential probability ratio test and improves its performance in anomaly detection.

Keywords: Anomaly detection, cross-validation-based sequential probability ratio test, failure precursor parameter, polymer positive-temperature-coefficient (PPTC) resettable circuit protection device, power supply protection.

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