Mohammed A. Alam, Michael H. Azarian, Member, IEEE, and Michael G. Pecht, Fellow, IEEE
In this work the reliability of an embedded planar capacitor with epoxy-BaTiO3 composite dielectric was investigated under temperature-humidity-bias (THB) conditions. The temperature and humidity conditions were selected as 85oC and 85% RH, respectively. In order to investigate the effect of an applied bias, one set of capacitors was kept unbiased and the other set of capacitors was biased at 5 V. Capacitors of two different sizes were used to investigate the effect of area on reliability under these conditions. Three parameters—capacitance, dissipation factor, and insulation resistance—were monitored in-situ every hour during the THB test, which lasted for 2000 hours. Data analysis and the physical explanation of change in the electrical parameters under THB conditions are presented in this paper.
Index Terms: Embedded planar capacitors, polymer-ceramic composites, reliability, temperature-humidity-bias tests
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