Shunong Zhang1, Rui Kang1, Gang Niu2 and Michael Pecht2, 3
1. The Department of Systems Engineering of Engineering Technology, Beihang University
No. 37 XueYuan Rd., HaiDian Dist., Beijing 100191, China ,
2. The Department of Electronics Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
3. The Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering, Electronics Products and Systems Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA ,
This paper summarizes the historical research and application on PHM in China, and presents current status including research on health monitoring and prognosis methods, development of reliability labs, the introduction of new organization-China PHM Society, and factors to drive PHM in China. Based on the previous works, some ideas of implementing PHM in China were presented. At last future work of PHM in China are suggested.
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