Changsoo Jang a, Byeng Dong Youn a, Ping F. Wanga, Bongtae Han a,*, Suk-Jin Hamb
a University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
b Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Central R&D Institute, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 443-743, Korea
An advanced regression scheme is proposed to analyze fine leak batch testing data of multiple MEMS packages. The scheme employs the forward-stepwise regression method to infer the information of leaky packages from a batch test data. The analysis predicts the number of leaky packages and the true leak rate of each leaky package in a progressive manner. The scheme is implemented successfully using an actual batch test data obtained from wafer-level hermetic MEMS packages. An error analysis is followed to define the applicable domain of the scheme. Advanced formulations are also suggested to extend the applicable domain.
Complete article available to CALCE consortium members