Gang Niua*, Daniel Laua, Michael Pechta,b
a. Center for Prognostics and System Health Management, City University of Hong Kong,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
b. CALCE Electronic Products and Systems, University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland 20742, USA
Computer manufacturers have been applying Six Sigma for continuous quality improvement and Lean Manufacturing for reducing process waste in order to maximally meet customer requirements. However, top computer manufacturers are now realizing the design and production with advanced capability for early failure detection, fault diagnostic and prediction will significantly improve product life cycle performance and increase competitive advantages. In this paper, prognostic health management is proposed as a “predictive” management strategy centered by technology approach. Through integration with Lean Six Sigma, a raised computer manufacturing management performance can be achieved.
Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.
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