Changsoo Jang, Arindam Goswami, and Bongtae Han, Fellow, ASME
A gas transport mechanism is studied to characterize the hermetic behaviour of polymer-sealed microelectromechanical systems packages. Diffusion-based governing equations, which are fundamentally different from the conduction-based governing equations used for metallic seals, are proposed to predict a change in cavity pressure. An effective numerical scheme is developed to implement the governing equations. The validity of the governing equations is corroborated by the optical leak test. The verified gas diffusion model is utilized to investigate the effect of the diffusion properties and geometries of polymeric seals on the gas leak behaviour.
Index Terms—Gas diffusion, gas leakage, hermeticity, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) package, polymer seals.
Complete article available to CALCE consortium members
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