5th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering Bangalore, India, pp. 102-107, August 22-25, 2009

A Fusion Prognostics Method for Remaining Useful Life
Prediction of Electronic Products

Shunfeng Cheng
Member, IEEE
Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742, USA

Michael Pecht
Fellow, IEEE
Prognostics and Health Management Center in City
University of Hong Kong,
Center for Advanced Life Cycle
Engineering (CALCE)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA


Prognostics and health management methods can provide advance warning of failure; reduce the life cycle cost of a product by decreasing inspection costs, downtime, and inventory; and assist in the design and logistical support of fielded and future electronic products. Traditional prognostic methods, such as data-driven methods and physics of failure methods have some limitations. This paper presents a fusion prognostics method, which fuses data-driven methods and physics of failure methods to predict the remaining useful life of electronic products. This method integrates the advantage and overcome the limitations of the data-driven methods and the physics of failure methods to provide better predictions.

Index Terms:Prognostics and health management; Data-driven method; Physics of Failure analysis; Remaining useful life; Fusion prognostics

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