Bruno P. Leão1 , João P. P. Gomes1 , Roberto K. H. Galvão2 , Takashi Yoneyama2
1Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A., S. J. dos Campos, SP, 12227-901, Brasil
2Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, S. J. dos Campos, SP, 12228-900, Brasil
One of the most important issues when dealing
with PHM developments is the availability of
adequate sensors to provide measures that
indicate the health state of a component or
system. Installation of additional sensors for
such purpose usually implies increments in
costs and weight and reduction of reliability
and availability. Sometimes equivalent
information can be inferred from other
available sources, allowing the design of PHM
solutions with no need for additional sensors.
The power consumed by a set of components
may provide information concerning their
health states. These components may be all fed
by the same power supply. This paper proposes
a novel application of blind source separation
techniques to infer the power consumed by the
components using only the measurement of the
power supply output. The usefulness of such
techniques is demonstrated in a real