This paper discusses data analysis approaches for
effective reliability prediction using prognostics and health
management methodology, which integrates sensory data
with models based on either healthy training data or
physics-of-failure knowledge. This approach enables in-situ
assessment of a product’s performance degradation or
deviation from an expected normal operating condition (i.e.,
the system’s “health”). It also estimates future system
reliability based on systems current health state by
considering its historical performances as well as operating
conditions. Various studies have been conducted, to
implement prognostics for electronics are summarized in
this paper. These studies consider all types of electronics,
ranging from components and boards to electronic products
and systems.
A hybrid approach based on feature extraction and
trending with physics-of-failure for prognostics is given
here. This paper then discusses feature extraction, data
trending and data mapping technologies that are being used
by CALCE for prognostics.
Index Terms: Prognostics, Health Management, Physics of failure, Data driven, Life cycle
Complete article is available to CALCE PHM Consortium Members.