Proceedings of the 2007 Aging Aircraft Conference

A Taxonomy and Evaluation Criteria for DMSMS Tools, Databases and Services

P. Sandborn1, R. Jung2, R. Wong3, J. Becker4, and the Common Use Tools Committee of the DMSMS
Working Group
1CALCE, University of Maryland
2NSWC Crane
3Karta Technologies


This paper describes the creation of a taxonomy and evaluation criteria for organizing and assessing DMSMS tools, databases, and services. These activities are useful in the short term to assess the state of the present DMSMS management tools and the gaps that may be present within them; and necessary in the longer term to lay the ground work for constructing an ontology that will be necessary to achieve webcentric, enterprise-wide DMSMS management solutions.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.


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