IEEE Transactions Antennas Propagation, Vol 53, No. 2, pp. 408-415, February 2004.

The Concurrent Complementary Operators Method Applied to Two-Dimensional Time-Harmonic Radiation and Scattering Problems

V. Chebolu, X. Wu and O. Ramahi
CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742


The Concurrent Complementary Operators Method (C-COM) has recently been applied to time harmonic solution of Maxwell Equations in two-dimensional space. In this work, we present the application of the C-COM to the problem of electromagnetic scattering by conducting cylindrical objects in two-dimensional spaces. We show that the C-COM can effectively annihilate surface waves that impinge on the boundary at or near grazing incidence. The effectiveness of the CCOM is due to the fact that its wave absorption mechanism is independent of the wave number. To demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the C-COM in time- harmonic simulation, we present several numerical experiments. A strong agreement is obtained between the C-COM solution and the reference solutions even when the computational boundary is positioned only a fraction of a wavelength from the scatterer' body. Furthermore, we present a numerical experiment that shows the behavior of C-COM when waves impinge on the outer boundary at oblique incidence.

Index Terms: Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain method, Complementary Operators Method, time- harmonic simulation, scattering, partial differential equations.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.

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