S. Shahparnia, O. Ramahi
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
This paper presents novel applications and design techniques for printed circuit board-embedded high-impedance surfaces (EHIS). Such structures are introduced as a very effective method to suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the edges of a printed circuit board (PCB). Moreover, current high-impedance surfaces proposed in research papers are not directly applicable to real world PCB fabrication processes, since the board thickness that they are designed for is far larger than practical multilayer PCBs. Also, using EHIS structure implies that the PCB fabrication technology has to be able to provide buried or blind vias, therefore increasing the inherent cost of embedding HIS structures in PCBs. As the last part of this study, we show how to overcome these drawbacks, by providing methods to design inexpensive EHIS structure in multilayer PCB technologies that provide only through-hole vias.
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