R. Swaminathan
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, NJ
H. Bhaskaran and P. Sandborn
CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Center
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
G. Subramanian
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Santa Clara, CA
M. Deeds and K. Cochran
Indian Head Division Naval Surface Warfare Center, India
The bond layer is often the weakest link in the reliability of chip packages in the IC industry. MEMS packages are no exception to this trend. This paper presents a non-destructive methodology for determining delamination in chip-to-chip bonded MEMS. Experimental methods are used to determine the adhesive layer strength in samples subjected to environmental testing, and the reliability of the bonding layer is investigated. A simulation is performed using inputs from scanning acoustic microscopy, and simulation model results are correlated with the experimental die shear measurements to establish the validity of the non-destructive methodology for determining adhesive layer strength.
Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.
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