IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 24,
No. 4, pp. 351-358, October 2001
Toby Syrus and Michael G. Pecht
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Ramgopal Uppalapati
Intel Corporation
Dupont, WA
Parts selection and management is a process designed to evaluate the risks inherent in the use of an electronic part (e.g., a resistor, diode, or integrated circuit), and then facilitate informed decisions regarding its selection and future management activities. One step in the process is the assessment of the part manufacturer, which involves comparing data acquired for the manufacturer with predetermined criteria to determine if the manufacturer's policies and procedures are consistent with producing quality and reliable parts. This paper presents the manufacturer assessment process, along with the criteria developed for assessment. The process and criteria were developed by analyzing industry standards and existing company methods, consulting with industry and academia experts, and conducting a case study of 36 electronic part manufacturers. The results of the case study are also provided.
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