Proceedings of the European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition, May 2001

The NEMI Roadmap Perspective on Integrated Passives

Joseph P. Dougherty

John Galvagni
AVX Corp.

Larry Marcanti
Nortel Networks

Peter Sandborn
University of Maryland

Rick Charbonneau
Storage Technology Corporation

Rob Sheffield
Nortel Networks


Today's circuit boards have a large percentage of their area taken up by passive components.  This space has become a target for further reduction of the system's sizes.  A designer has several choices in how to accomplish the implementation of passive functions.  These choices include discrete components, arrays, networks and Integrated Passive Devices (IPDs) and embedded components.  The choices involve tradeoffs in cost, performance and space utilization.  This paper will focus on IPDs and Embedded Passives; the analysis will be based on the methodology used for the National Electronic Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI) Roadmap.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members


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