Jingsong Xie, Michael Pecht, and David F. Barve
CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Consortium
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Sudip Das, Joe Nuebel and Bahram Zand
Sun Microsystems Inc.,
Palo Alto, CA 94303
In this paper, the effect of corrosion on the degradation of electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding enclosures in terms of transfer impedance is discussed. To provide a relationship between the transfer impedance and corrosion, an equivalent circuit model for gasketed EMI shielding barriers was developed and the transfer impedance of zinc-coated steel-plate enclosures at dc and 100-kHz frequency was measured. The results suggest a way of predicting transfer-impedance increase based on corrosion-induced resistance change.
Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members
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