Future Circuits International, Technology Publishing Ltd. Vol. 6, pp.
88-91, London, UK, 2000
Yogendra Joshi and Peter Sandborn
CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Consortium
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
The Computer-Aided Life-Cycle Engineering Electronic Products and Systems Center (CALCE EPSC) at the University of Maryland, College Park is sponsored by over fifty industry and government members, with an annual research budget of over $5M. Over 100 faculty, research staff and students conduct research using the Center's state-of-the-art manufacturing, testing, experimental and computational facilities. This paper summarizes the recent significant contributions of the CALCE EPSC in the areas of research, education and technology transfer.
In the 1980's, University of Maryland faculty began teaching courses on electronic packaging and began publishing books on this topic. As a result of two subsequent grants totalling $2M under the U.S. Government Technology Re-investment Program, a cross-disciplinary undergraduate and graduate curriculum on Electronic Products and Systems (EPS) was initiated. Students from various engineering disciplines including Electrical, Mechanical, Materials, and Reliability enrol in the program. The success of the EPS graduate program is evidenced by the respect it has gained from the electronics industry. All graduates of this program have been keenly sought after, and have enjoyed excellent job opportunities. In an era of dwindling enrolments in many graduate engineering programs, the EPS program has seen a consistent growth. The instructional methodologies employed in this curriculum development effort are described and can serve as models for other multi-disciplinary programs.
Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members