IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 171-176, March 2000

Assessing the Operating Reliability of LGA Elastomer Sockets

Jingsong Xie, Craig Hillman, Peter Sandborn, and Michael Pecht
CALCE Electronic Products and Systems Consortium
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

A. Hassanzadeh
Sun Mircosystems Computer Company, Palo Alto, CA 94303

D. Dedonato
Thomas & Betts, Attleboro Falls, MI 02763


The contact resistances of 2,300 elastomer button contacts used for LGA (land grid array) package interconnections were measured over a range of contact loads. The experimental data, fitted using three probability distribution functions, show that an inverse Gaussian distribution best describes elastomer button contact resistance behavior. Using this probability function, the minimum operating contact load necessary for a desired socket operating reliability can be determined.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members

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