R. Biagini, M. Rowland, M. Jackson, and M. Pecht
This article provides a primer on the the type of product liability
theories that a company which uses parts outside the manufacturer's specific
temperature range may face should death, injury, or property damage arise
from their use. More importantly, the article sets forth basic parameters
of a product liability prevention program for companies that uprate (using
a part outside it's intended specifications) parts, emphasizing the acute
need for "top to bottom" education and training of company personnel- from
program managers to test technicians to hazard analysts. The basic axiom
of this article is clear: unless the company is well-trained in the legal
"hot spots" identified here and has a developed a well-managed product
liability prevention program, an injured party's lawyer will be able to
exploit the facts concerning these uprating activities in any future product
liability action.
Full article in .pdf format (Adobe Acrobat required) is available to CALCE Consortium members.
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