Whitcomb, C.A., N. Palli, and S. Azarm
The process for developing new products
is part of an integrated engineering and business strategy that includes
determining customer needs, market segments, technology options, manufacturing
capabilities, and business plans. Successful companies choose among new
product concepts that integrate technologies into products that are both
technically feasible and meet a customer market. For instance, a major
factor leading to the recent success of the U.S. electronics industry was
the technology integration process, with the incorporation of new technology
developments into customer markets being most important [11]. While much
attention is paid to concurrent engineering design that incorporates customer
requirements through integrated product and process design (IPPD) including
product cost, the greatest weakness in product innovation remains in the
cuzzy front end?[15]. This front end phase is at the very beginning of
concept design, in the early design phase well before the detailed design
stage, where the new product alternatives first take shape. One of the
major causes of new product development failure during the early concept
design phase is that the plans do not match the company strategy [15].
This paper presents an approach to new product development decision making
during the early design phase that explicitly trades off customer benefits
against company business strategy.
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