IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology,
Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 104-110, March 1999.

Moisture Ingress into Organic Laminates

M. Pecht, H. Ardebili, A. Shukla, J. Hagge, and D. Jennings


The electronic industry's most common laminates (FR-4, HTFR-4, PI, CE and BT) were investigated for their equilibrium levels of moisture and diffusions rates and monitored for their moisture content as a function of electrical capacitance. Isothermal sorption tests were performed on the laminates to find the equilibrium moisture content in each laminate at carious environmental conditions. The moisture content of each laminate was evaluated as a function of electrical capacitance via a capacitance monitoring plate attached to each laminate. A model was developed to assess the equilibrium content as a function of both temperature and humidity. Data from the sorption-time experiments was used to evaluate a diffusion coefficient for each laminate. The Fickian model was used to facilitate the evaluation.

The results of the laminate moisture content analyses were subsequently applied to a printed wiring board (PWB) with a capacitor plate on each of its laminates. The capacitance method of moisture measurement if PWB shows slower moisture ingress than the theoretical moisture diffusion based on laminate experiments.

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