Nihal Sinnadurai
TWI, Cambridge
Anand A. Shukla
University of Maryland, College Park
Michael Pecht
CALCE Electronic Packaging Research Center
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland, 20742
As the use of plastic encapsulated microcircuits escalates in the electronics industry, the issue of their reliability has become increasingly important. Consequently, many researchers have developed reliability models to predict their failure rates or mean times-to-failure. One organization that took on such a challenge is the Department of Defense's Reliability Analysis Center. Despite it admirable aims, the model contains too many generalizations and has inherent limitations which may result in unrealistic predictions. This paper presents a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the model developed by the Reliability Analysis Center.
Key Words
Reliability Assessment, Reliability Modeling, Plastic Encapsulated Microcircuits (PEMs)
Reader Aids
General purpose: Assess reliability model
Special math needed for explanations: None
Special math needed to use results: None
Results useful to: Reliability engineers
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