INTERpack'97, ASME International, Intersociety Electronic and Photonic Packaging Conference, June 1997.

Miscellaneous Modeling Issues in Thermomechanical Stress Analysis of Surface-Mount-Interconnects

A. Dasgupta, D. Darbha, P. Dujari, P. Haaswell, S. Ling, P. Sharma, S. Sealing and K. Upadhyayula


In finite element modeling, there is a desire to minimize both model size and the total number of loading steps in a model, since this will decrease the required analysis time and memory/storage requirements for any given model.  Several important issues faced by analysts in finite element modeling of surface-mount interconnects are addressed.  Each of these issues represents a significant opportunity for decreasing analysis time, yet the effects of these techniques on predictions of interconnect durability need to be studied and quantified.  Four different issues are discussed in this paper:
        1) the use of a reduced "sector" model instead of traditional models following strict geometric symmetry;
        2) effect of substrate size on warpage prediction;
        3) comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional models;
        4) effect of different ramping rates in cyclic thermal loading simulations.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium members.

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