The rapid advancement of integrated circuits and associated electronic
technologies have placed increasing demands on electronic packaging and
its material structures in terms of the reliability requirements. In addition
to the thermally induced stresses, electronic packages often experience
dynamic external loads during shipping, handling, and/or operation. This
is especially important for automotive, military, and commercial avionics
operating environments. These dynamic loads give rise to large dynamic
stresses in the leads causing fatigue failures. For peripheral leaded packages
the corner leads are the most highly stressed leads. This paper addresses
the determination of the out-of-plane displacement of the comer leads of
peripheral leaded components when the local peripheral leaded component
board assembly is subjected to bending moments in two directions. The solution
is achieved by using a combination of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Design
of Experiments (DOE), and analytical techniques. Thee out-of-plane displacement
can then be applied as a boundary condition on a local lead model to determine
the stresses which in turn can be used to estimate the fatigue life.
Full article in .pdf format (Adobe Acrobat required) is available to CALCE Consortium members.