The present study examines the suitability of a combined experimental
and computational methodology for system-level electronic packaging thermal
design. A 48.3 cm (19 inch), twenty-slot, fully populated commercial-off-the-shelf
(COTS) electronic equipment chassis was studied experimentally and computationally.
The experimental program involved detailed component surface temperature
measurements for system power levels of 423 and 846 W (21 and 42 W/module)
and for volumetric flow rates between 0.05 and 0.14 m3/s. The
experimental configuration was also computationally simulated and the predicted
component temperatures agreed well with the experiments. The effects of
various baffle configuration designs within the inlet plenum were then
computationally analyzed for improved thermal performance. The best configuration
based on the model study was experimentally examined and provided maximum
surface temperature reduction of 56%.
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Consortium members.
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