Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, pp. 1-6, May 1996

Design for Environment - A Survey of Current Practices and Tools

C. Mizuki, P.A. Sandborn and G. Pitts


Design for environment (DFE) has gained tremendous momentum in the electronics and computer industries in recent years.  The concept has permeated many functions that were once quite removed from the design process itself.  The multifaceted nature of DFE requires such widespread involvement, and various tools - software and non-software - can be used to facilitate dissemination and integration.  As part of the 1996 Electronics Industry Environmental Roadmap, the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) conducted a survey of electronics-related companies to better understand the current level of maturity of DFE, which tools (software and non-software) are currently most useful, and what tool-related needs have not yet been met.  This paper discusses findings from this survey as well as results of an assessment of existing software-based tools.

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