An Integrated Design Environment For Printed Wiring Boards
M. Rosman and M. Osterman
AlliedSignal has implemented an integrated design environment for design,
analysis, prediction, and optimization of printed wiring boards.
The goal is to make reliability and maintainability an integral, real-time,
and upfront part of the design process, such that the need to resubmit
designs will be eliminated. The integrated design environment uses
a powerful, modular, and integrated set of user-friendly tolls for the
design and analysis of Printed Wiring Board Assemblies (PWAs). The
software provides databases of materials and components. Modeling
tools include a board definition tool and a component selection and placement
tool. Analysis tools include thermal vibration and shock, solder
joint fatigue, Plated Through Hole (PTH) fatigue, and component derating.
article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.