P. Lall, M. Pecht, and E. Hakim
The functional relationship between temperature and micro-electronic
reliability is presently characterized by an Arrhenius relationship.
The Arrhenius relationship encourages lowering temperature to achieve reliability
goals. In this paper, the role of temperature in achieving cost-effective
reliable electronic equipment has been investigated. The effect of
temperature on reliability has been evaluated based on failure mechanisms
and electrical parameter variations. The device investigated in this
paper is assumed to consist of a bipolar or MOSFET (silicon) semiconductor
device with device packaging consisting of first level interconnects that
may be wirebonds, flip-chip, or tape automated bonds, die attachment, substrate
attachment, case, lid, lid seal and lead seal. Failure mechanisms
actuated under various temperature stresses, including steady state temperature,
temperature cycling, temperature gradients, and time-dependent temperature
change, have been identified for each of the package elements. A
methodology for derivation of the functional relationship between temperature
and micro-electronic reliability has been discussed.
Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members