Proceedings of 1995 Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium, pp. 481-493, January 1995

Framework for a Dual-use Reliability Program Standard

I. Knowles
Directorate of Reliability

A. Malhotra
General Motors Crop.

T. Stadterman

R. Munamarty
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742


Perhaps its time to bid farewell to our old friend Mil-Std 785, with thanks for a job well done, and begin to address reliability contracting for the next century. Technology today is such that the user, or customer, is not able to specify how a product should be developed. The responsibility of developing a reliable product must be placed on the supplier, instead of the customer. This idea should not be new. Military contractors have been saying that the government imposes too many requirements that inhibit innovative design. And often adds cost, with the result being an inferior product. This paper outline the framework for a next-generation, reliability program standard based on a "code of practice". In this framework, the customer specifies the performance of the product, without stipulating how the supplier must develop, engineer and test the product. The supplier, however, must show that they understand the needs of the customer, can determine the appropriate processes to meet those needs, and can assure the customer that those needs, and can assure the customer that those needs are met. This approach allows the supplier to be flexible and innovative, as long as the customer's needs are met. The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has initiated an effort to develop a reliability program standard which incorporates these concepts.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.


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