Packaging and Manufacturing Techniques, Part B, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 269-276, August 1994

Assessing Time-To-Failure Due To Conductive Filament Formation In Multi-Layer Organic Laminates

B. Rudra, M. Pecht and D. Jennings


Multi-layer organic laminates used in printed wiring boards and laminated multichip modules (MCM-L), can develop a loss of insulation resistance between two traces, between a trace and a via, and between two vias, due to the growth of conductive along the epoxy resin/glass interface.  The growth of the filaments is a function of temperature, humidity, voltage, laminate material, manufacturing processes and the geometry and spacing of the conductors.  In order to develop a model which can be used to establish both design guidelines for the prevention of conductive filament formation, and tests for product qualification, a design of experiments study was conducted.  Temperature, humidity, and a voltage were the stress parameters, and conductor spacing, conductor geometry, laminate material (FR-4, BT and CE) and surface coating (presence and absence of solder mask, solder plate, and post coat) were the laminate parameters.  The experimental approach, the analyses of results, and a model from time-to-failure due to conductive filament formation which unifies this study with previous studies, are presented in this paper.

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