Enhancing The Competitiveness Of U.S. Electronic Packaging Industries

DoE, NASA , the U.S. Trade Representative,
the Office of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisors,
the Office of Science and Technology Policy,
the National Security Council, and the National Economic Council.


On October 29, 1993, President Clinton requested the National Economic Council (NEC) and the National Security Council (NSC) to develop a strategy to improve the competitiveness of the electronic packaging industries in the United States.  To undertake this effort, the NEC and NSC coordinated an interagency initiative involving the Departments of Defense, Commerce and Energy; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); the U.S. Trade Representative; the Office of Management and Budget; the Council of Economic Advisors; and the Office of Science and Technology Policy.  This paper represents the first step in articulating a national vision and an action plan for electronic packaging.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.

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