Component Rearrangement of Printed Wiring Boards to Maximize the Fundamental Natural Frequency
T. Chang, and E. Magrab
A methodology to attain the highest fundamental natural frequency of
a printed wiring board by rearranging its components has been developed
by which the rearrangement of the component-lead-board (CLB) assemblies
is performed automatically for any combination of equal size, unequal size,
movable and immovable CLBs. This algorithm is also capable of incorporating
two design restrictions: fixed (immovable) components and prohibit (non-swappable)
areas. A highly computationally efficient objective function evolution
of the automatic rearrangement process is introduced, which is a linear
function of the size of the individual CLBs that have been selected for
each interchange. The simulated annealing method is adapted to solve
the combinatorial rearrangement of the CLBs. Using 61 combinations
of boundary conditions, equal and unequal sized CLBs, movable and immovable
CLBs, various CLB groupings and sets of material properties, it is found
that, when compared to the exact solution obtained by an exhaustive search
method, the simulated annealing method obtained the highest fundamental
natural frequency within 1 percent for 87 percent of the cases considered,
within 0.5 percent for 72 percent of the cases and the true maximum in
43 percent of them. To further increase the fundamental natural frequency
the introduction of a single interior point support is analyzed.
Depending on the boundary conditions, an additional increase in the maximum
fundamental natural frequency of 44 to 198 percent can be obtained.