IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 42(4), pp. 630-635, December 1993.

Plastic Packages Microcircuits: Quality, Reliability, Reliability and Cost Issues

M. Pecht, R. Agarwal, and D. Quearry


Plastic encapsulated microcircuits (PEMs) find their main application in commercial and telecommunication electronics.  The advantages of PEMs in cost, size, weight, performance, and market lead time, have attracted 97% of the market share of worldwide microcircuit sales.  However, PEMs have always been resisted in US Government and military applications due to the perception that PEM reliability is low.  This paper surveys plastic packaging with respect to the issues of reliability, market lead-time, performance, cost, and weight as a means to guide part-selection and system-design.

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