The Influence of Temperature on Integrated Circuit Failure Mechanisms
M. Pecht, P. Lall, and E. Hakim
Temperature is generally considered to be key parameter in the
design of electronic equipment, and cautions concerning temperature and
its relationship to reliability are widely documented. While some studies
suggest that temperature is the most critical stress influence on microelectronic
device failures, the actual failure mechanisms have generally not been
quantified in terms of whether a steady state temperature, temperature
change, rate of temperature change or spatial temperature gradient induced
failure. In this paper, the influence of temperature on major integrated
circuit failure mechanisms is discussed, with emphasis placed on those
failure mechanisms which occur in the temperature rang of -55 degrees Celsius
and 125 degrees Celsius. This paper shows that no simple expression can
adequately describe temperature as a failure accelerator for all integrated
circuit failure mechanisms. in fact, a generic statement that can be attributed
to temperature is lacking. This suggests that a much deeper level of insight
into temperature dependencies is necessary to achieve reliable equipment
and avoid unnecessary thermal design complexities. Thermal management in
electronic equipment can involve additional costs and system complexities
that can be of consequential importance, and temperature control should
not be routinely employed without close study and justification.
article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.